Before, whenever I attempted to discover the factors why people behave differently and how they ended up with their current selves, I always thought that their parents were responsible of their development. Family was the only factor I could think of so when I judged people, I ended up judging their family in general; but, this kind of thinking has stopped when I discovered and learned the “Bioecological Theory of Human Development” by Urie Bronfenbrenner. When I found out about the Process-Person-Context-Time (PPCT) Model, I am somehow enlightened and have an idea how human development occurs. Even though the concept of human development is not totally clear to me, what matters the most is that I realized that family is just one of the many factors of human development. Furthermore, with the knowledge I have gained from Bronfenbrenner’s theory, I found out that both self and environment affect one another. This profound knowledge about human development allows me to understand human development from a dynamic systems approach.
APPLICATION: Use different approaches when understanding self and others.